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Websites Builders

50+ Hosted Websites Builders

50+ Hosted Websites Builders

Давным-давно. По меркам Интернета. Лет 10 назад. Когда сайты строили Веб студии. И Владельцев сайтов было немного. Тогда каждый сайт программировали вручную. Или Веб студия писала для своих сайтов собственный CMS движок. И сайты хранили тепло человеческого прикосновения. Теперь не то. Глобализация. Конкуренция. Теперь каждый может построить себе сайт. Без участия программиста. И совершенно бесплатно. И не нужно платить за хостинг. Онлайн конструкторы сайтов работают по облачной технологи
Comparison Google Sites, Jimdo, Webs, Weebly, Wix, WordPress

Comparison Google Sites, Jimdo, Webs, Weebly, Wix, WordPress

Comparison Online Site Builders Google Sites, Jimdo, Webs, Weebly, Wix, WordPress
Ecwid + Wix, Jimdo, Webs, Weebly, Google Sites

Ecwid + Wix, Jimdo, Webs, Weebly, Google Sites

The Ecwid online store works on the SaaS technology. Software as a Service - programs as service. All your goods with the description, images attached by files. Are stored in the north of Ecwid. Ecwid gives access to your control panel. For management of your shop. Access is password-protected by yours.

Google Sites Website Builder

Google Sites Website Builder

B 2006 of Google purchased developments of the designer of the websites from the Jotspot company. Based on which popular online the designer of the websites Google Sites was made. In February, 2008 this service was included in a set of corporate Google applications Apps so the designer of the websites was available only to corporate customers. In May, 2008 the Google service of Sites was opened for all comers. Who has an Account of Google.

Hand Made or Websites conveyor

Hand Made or Websites conveyor

Very long time ago. In the sixties last century. When in our huge country there came Khruschev's thaw. And computers mentioned only in fantastic novels.
In those days people did not buy clothes. The clothes were SEWED TO ORDER. In Studio, at the Tailor. Dresses, Coat, Jackets, Trousers. Then the tailor was a significant figure. He created Beauty, Comfort, and Warmly. In sewing hierarchy there were Masters and journeymen. The cutter is a Master. Being behind imperceptible appearance of the baldish grandfather with a harakta

Jimdo Website Builder

Jimdo Website Builder

In 2004 3 founders of Jimdo created the company on an old farm. Many friends addressed them, asking whether it is possible to use the Jimdo system for the personal purposes. Developers were pleasantly surprised, having seen what remarkable websites users by means of Jimdo created.

Webs Website Builder

Webs Website Builder

Very long time ago, in 2001, three creators of the popular designer of the websites Webs asked themselves a question. If now all can create own E-mail absolutely free of charge. That why not to give the chance to users to create the own website? Without expensive services of the programmer. Independently, quickly and simply. And if the website begins to pay off and bring benefit. That can and be expanded its functionality, having paid for its lease.

Weebly Website Builder

Weebly Website Builder

If service was pleasant to you. You can expand its functions by purchase of Paid packets. Thus, for the owner of the website of any risk. One of the most popular SaaS of Designers of the websites Weebly. Provides the powerful and convenient tool for creation of your website and placement it on the Internet. Weebly have free and paid packets.

Wix Website Builder

Wix Website Builder

Создавайте сайты, а не код. Один из девизов популярного конструктора сайтов Wix. Онлайн конструкторы сайтов работают по облачной технологии SaaS. SaaS это аббревиатура английского Software as a Service (Программы в виде Сервиса). Это означает, что одновременно с Конструктором для создания Вашего сайта. Вам предоставляется и хостинг для этого сайта. То есть Вы можете создать и разместить в интернете Ваш сайт самостоятельно. Быстро, просто и бесплатно.